I often look at those plant parents on social media and wonder if I will ever become one. You know, the individual that names the plant, has plant siblings and their home becomes a tropical oasis of bright colors and renewed oxygen? It’s seems like a great way to add life to your home while upgrading it. Owning plants seems simple enough. You water the plants, ensure it receives the proper lighting and nutrition and let it flourish. However, cultivating plants within your home can be a bit more tedious than expected. You have to know your lifestyle and the type of care you can offer as well as the needs of the plant. Here are seven plants you had no clue you needed in your home. 

Snake Plant

These are hearty plants that can thrive in any condition including droughts and the time or two you may forget to water the plant. They also emit loads of oxygen.

Rubber Tree

If you’re not into the loads of leafy greenery, try the compact rubber tree. It’s very low maintenance and it thrives in bright and well lit areas.

Monstera Deliciosa

These are very popular plants among social media. They give off boho vibes and aren’t needy as well. If you are a travel wanderer or your work causes you to be away from home a couple of weeks at a time, then this is the plant for you. Water it every two weeks and you’re good to do what you do best- travel. 

The Money Tree

Do you want friendship and prosperity? This plant is popular in homes that are set up in a Feng Shui manner. The leafy greens are gorgeous on the eyes and will add a calmness to any space. Besides, the tree brings forth goodness for the home.

Philodendron Green

These plants love to bathe in the sun. If your space has tons of natural light, this is the plant for you. This plant thrives in a myriad of sunlight.

The Paddle Plant

Succulents are incredibly cute plants that do not take up much space. Their round leaves are brushed with vibrant pink color. They love lots of sun light, but do not need to be watered daily. Keeping them on the drier side will aid in their ability to thrive.

The Jade Plant 

The Jade plant has the ability to retain water in its leaves. It can survive more than a month without water. "If they do get water, they start to rehydrate and grow," says Neil Mattson, an associate professor at Cornell University’s horticulture department.