By now, you have probably experienced rejection multiple times. Getting rejected can sting whether it is from a long-time romantic partner or a prospective employer you just met. If you are in the unfortunate predicament of navigating rejection, you can heal. Because healing can take time and effort, it is important to know that the process requires time and patience. Here is how to navigate through the feelings and heal from rejection.

Acknowledge The Emotions

The first step in healing is acknowledging and accepting your emotions. It is normal to experience many emotions, including anger, sadness, and frustration when you experience rejection. Despite everything, though, it is important to allow yourself to feel these emotions without trying to suppress them. Acknowledging your feelings can help you process the rejection and move forward.

Be Self-Compassionate

Very often, people habitually fall into a self-loathing cycle when external validation is crushed. When you are feeling all of these things, be compassionate with yourself. Self-compassion involves treating yourself with the same kindness, concern, and understanding that you would offer to a close friend. If you wouldn’t tell your friend what you are about to say to yourself, then you should not say it to yourself, either. To practice self-compassion while healing from rejection, try saying empathetic phrases to yourself. Some examples are, “I am worthy of love and respect,” “I am doing the best I can,” or “I forgive myself for my mistakes.”

Do Not Beg

This is perhaps the most important item on this list. For many people who experience being dumped, it may be tempting to beg a person to reverse their decision. Unfortunately, anyone who wants to be with you won’t need begging or coaxing; it will come naturally. When you beg a romantic partner, a friend, or an employer to see your value, you lose out. Human beings are often power-hungry, and begging people to stay in your life or accept you, often weakens the balance of respect in relationships.

Seek Support

Navigating rejection can be a lonely experience, and it is important to seek healthy support from others. If you are feeling low, reach out to trusted, non-toxic friends, family, or a trusted therapist who can validate you as you air out your feelings. A support system can offer you empathy, understanding, and encouragement while empowering you to see things from a different perspective. You can also join a support group or an online forum where you can connect with others who have experienced similar situations.

Engage in Self-Care

Rejection can affect your physical, emotional, and mental health. When you are going through the motions of rejection, it is important to prioritize self-care activities that make you feel good and boost your well-being. This can include a spa day, exercising, meditation, or engaging in creative activities that you enjoy.

Focus On Your Achievements

Rejection can feel like the end of the world, and that can make it easy to overlook your other strengths and achievements. It is time to remind yourself why you are unique. Make a list of your strengths, achievements, and things you are proud of, and review it regularly. This will help boost your self-esteem and confidence.

Set Goals

It is important to use the sadness and disappointment from rejection as fuel for your future. While rejection can feel discouraging or hopeless, using the pain to glow up is the best revenge. Use the way you are feeling to regroup, strategize and bounce bank. Do you want to enroll in that MFA program? Or start an online business? Go for it with full force. Remember to celebrate your progress and accomplishments along the way, and be kind and patient with yourself.