The journey of motherhood is transformative, marked not only by the anticipation and challenges of pregnancy but also by the critical phase that follows—commonly known as the fourth trimester.

Understanding the Fourth Trimester

The fourth trimester spans the initial three months after childbirth, a phase marked by significant physical and emotional adjustments. While traditional pregnancy splits into three trimesters, the fourth trimester focuses on the recovery and adaptation period after the intense experience of labor and delivery. During this time, the body undergoes a series of changes as it transitions from carrying a baby to postpartum recovery. It’s a period when self-care takes precedence, and the body requires gentle yet effective exercises to restore strength and stamina gradually.

One aspect often takes a backseat in discussions about postpartum well-being is fitness. 21Ninety outlines three effective low-impact workouts for women navigating this crucial period.

3 Effective Low-Impact Workouts


Credit: @wanderess.momma/TikTok

Walking stands as a straightforward and accessible low-impact exercise during the fourth trimester. This activity promotes cardiovascular health without subjecting joints to excessive strain. Mothers can progressively extend the duration as their bodies permit, starting with short, leisurely walks. Beyond the physical benefits, walking provides a mental respite, allowing new mothers to reconnect with the outdoors and support overall well-being.

Pelvic Floor Exercises


This move is a game changer when done correctly. Lay flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Engage your core and roll your pelvis towards the ceiling. Place your hands at your hips and take a deep breath in through your nose. Let one of your knees fall out to the side slowly as you exhale through your mouth. Be sure to only go as far as your hips range of motion will allow. You will feel this in your hips and also in your core as it works to maintain stability throughout your body. Avoid arching your lower back or letting your pelvis tilt side to side.🫶🏼 For the complete nutrition and fitness program that helped me lose 50lbs after having 2 babies, click the 🔗LINK IN BIO🔗 My CORE REHAB program will be dropping at the end of the month! #postpartumfitness #diastasisrectiexercises #corerehab #pelvicfloorexercises #postpartumrecovery

♬ WHERE SHE GOES – Bad Bunny
Credit: @Mariahhairl/TikTok

Pelvic floor exercises, commonly known as Kegels, are fundamental during the postpartum period. These discreet exercises restore pelvic strength, aid in better bladder control, and expedite the healing process. Incorporating pelvic floor exercises into daily routines helps address specific physical adjustments required during the fourth trimester.


Credit: @charnetteb/TikTok

Gentle yoga is suitable for the fourth trimester, seamlessly combining stretching, controlled breathing, and mindfulness. Postpartum yoga contributes to enhanced flexibility, tension relief, and overall well-being. Tailored routines, available through specialized postnatal yoga classes or online resources, cater to the unique needs of women navigating the challenges of the fourth trimester. This mindful approach supports physical recovery and provides a moment of peace amidst the demands of caring for a newborn.

Recognizing the importance of low-impact workouts during the fourth trimester is integral to a woman’s holistic well-being. These exercises, emphasizing recovery over intensity, offer a practical and balanced approach, allowing new mothers to gradually regain strength without compromising their health. As women embark on this transformative journey, incorporating these low-impact workouts becomes a pragmatic step towards nurturing physical and emotional well-being during the fourth trimester.