It’s that time of the year again when college decisions are being delivered to the mailbox or via email.

While it can be an exciting experience to know which school your teen may be attending in the fall, it can also be disappointing if rejections are received. Rejections are never easy to handle. Even as an adult, rejection remains a painful experience that can take some time to recover from. 

As college decision announcements continue, here are a few ways to help ease the pain of your teen receiving a rejection notice.

Share Encouraging Words

As a parent, you know that this rejection won’t be the end of the world. In fact, it won’t be the last time your child will experience this being on the receiving end of a no. However, it is important to understand that a child may view their rejection as catastrophic. Being accepted into college is a monumental moment that can sting a person’s confidence when favored results are not achieved.

Reminding your teen that their rejection is not a “failure” can be reassuring. Also, helping them understand the bigger picture of universities’ decisions when selecting their next class could be useful. Providing a broader view of factors such as demographics or the number of students who applied can assist with making the rejection not feel as personal.

Remind Them They Are Not Alone

It can be isolating to feel as if you are the only person who did not get into your dream college or university. Social media is also a contributing factor, as their peers or other teens post about their acceptances online. Inviting family members or friends over to spend time with your teen can be a distraction from the disappointing news. Being surrounded by loved ones adds a supportive unit that can sympathize and bring comfort.

Celebrate The College Acceptances

While the losses are easier to focus on, shifting the attention to each college acceptance may help boost the mood. Refrain from spending too much time upset about which schools either waitlisted or rejected their application. Nothing positive results from wondering what was wrong with your child’s application or what could have been better. Focusing on what you both have to work with makes letting go and moving forward easier.